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US Coaches and Schools


Ncaa Basketball


College Basketball is one of the most exciting athletic environments in all sports. More schools offer basketball program than any other. Competition however for the spots on the team is fierce. Over 500,000 high school students compete for spots on the teams but only about 6% will land the varsity jersey and only less than 1% at the NCAA I school. It is a national sport in USA and there is a great depth of talent applying to colleges and universities from the US high schools. Basketball is one of the only 2 sports that make money as there is tremendous interest in watching collegiate games and most of the sport TV stations cover college basketball in great detail. Due to the size, popularity and money involved in this sport, NCAA looks very closely and regulates the recruiting process.



1. Start the process early (as early as sophomore in high school)

2. Create Amerlink Profile.

Completing a free Amerlink profile is a good starting point to become visible to college coaches. It will help You to professionally highlight the most important elements of Your athletic and academic achievements.  In the profile, showing progression of Your results is a good way to catch coaches attention, especially if the trajectory of Your progress is significant. Within the Profile, write Introduction Letter to make Your contact with the prospective coach more personal.

3. Create a highlight film and add to Your profile. Skills and game video are analyzed.

Upload well edited video into Amerlink Profile. If You feel uncomfortable with editing and posting professional video, refer to Amerlink professional video editing service.

  • Keep the quality of filming with stable production that will allow the coach to analyze the movements
  • Keep the video concise (no longer than 5-10 min) but remember that You will make impression in first 90 seconds. Consider the first 90 seconds as if You had to convince the coach using a movie trailer.
  • Put a title card at the front of your highlight video that includes your name and graduation year.
  • O Introduce Yourself at the onset of the video. You are making a first impression. Remember saying: “You have only one chance to make a first impression”, but in Your college video You can practice and repeat until You get it right. .
  • Go over different aspects of your performance to give good 360 degree view of Your skills
  • Show real game or competition and not just “staged modelling”
  • Present yourself well - “dress to impress”
  • Film from the mid court
  • Show clips highlighting strengths that are particular to Your position:

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